Every second, an overall average of 6,000+ tweets are sent on Twitter, translating to over 500 million tweets daily! Twitter remains a fantastic app, and it allows search for every single tweet. There are quite a few different approaches to searching on Twitter. These approaches include Twitter’s toolbar for a search field, the mobile app searches, the web search page, and more.

All these selections are valuable for quick search into specific hashtag/topic. But to get the most value from the Twitter search, the Twitter Advanced Search offers a powerful resource.

For business owners and marketers, Twitter Advanced Search is considered a goldmine.  With this tool, businesses and marketers can gain access to several different approaches to filter, search, and segment Twitter’s massive data.

Twitter Advanced Search in Business Analysis.

Similar to monitoring brand sentiment, Twitter Advanced Search can provide businesses and marketers the power to keep tabs on several key factors ranging from customer engagement to sales and product vision. The Advanced Search tool also offers analysis on competitors and customer’s views. Below are other benefits of Twitter Advanced Search in Business Analysis:

Explore the Competitor’s Tweets.

The use of Advanced Search allows you to filter through tweets from competitors, as well as search for trending keywords or selected keywords.

Fine-Tune Search.

With the world’s fast-moving trends, Twitter Advanced Search makes it fairly simple to keep up with great content. You can easily filter Tweets and view engagements generated by tweets on subjects you find useful.  Most Boolean logic can be applied to Twitter advanced searches so take some time to try a few different queries.  Identifying key influencers who might be the ideal ambassador for your brand are worth following and paying attention to for ideas.

Find Interesting or related Ideas.

Twitter remains a good source for interesting content that might enhance your marketing efforts.  Figure out who your competitors are and spend some time analyzing their twitter activity as well.  With a tool like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck, you can build customized private lists to track your competition.

Finding Details.

With Twitter Advanced Search, you can find accounts based on the keyword(s) and location. This amazingly powerful resource lets you locate accounts or businesses within specific areas.

Search Things to Help Business Growth.

To drive growth on twitter, it is preferable to do a search based on things engaging to your potential customers. The Twitter search takes a little different approach from Google Search. With Twitter Advanced Search, you can easily understand which keywords attract more attention.

Do you consider Twitter an important platform for your business? There are several more tips and tricks to really help you enhance your brand visibility and growth on twitter, which would, in time, increase your marketing and sales capacity. The use of Twitter Advanced Search is very much valuable, and we can help your brand gain more.

About Echo Analytics Group

Echo Analytics Group is a full-service intelligence firm providing services, products, training, and technology to both public and private sector businesses.  Echo Analytics Group has trained thousands of intelligence professionals in-person and online.  We also deliver world-class products and services to a host of businesses across the globe.  To learn more about Echo Analytics Group please contact us @ info@echoanalyticsgroup.com.  To sign up for a course, check out Echo Academy here: https://echoacademy.thinkific.com/collections

Buddy is a military veteran, former intelligence officer, and entrepreneur who teaches dozens of courses on a variety of intelligence-related topics.  Buddy currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Echo Analytics Group and is based in Tampa, Florida.